Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Week 2


  • Humus! Kath brought humus from a store in Mystic that is sooooooo good! We all try to figure out what it is that makes it soooooo good but cannot seem to put our finger on it. Kath....what is the name of the store that sells it? I forgot! I wish we could duplicate it, but then they would never be able to sell any. She also brought their own ships which wee so light and tasty.
  • Margi had some sweet chocolate covered pretzels, I scored one for the road. Ate so much humus that I had no interest in having left over white bean chili for dinner!
  • JoAnn brought the wine. It was red and should have looked at the label more closely, I caught the word "sol", it was very good! Maybe she can remember and post it.

Knit Projects

  • JoAnn is working on her shawl, love the color. Picture posted to the right.
  • Margi working on her magic loop "red sock" stocking for her daughter's boy friend. Picture posted also to the right. I am sure she will have it done by next week and on to something else!
  • Kathleen cranking on the Einstein Sweater for herself in chocolate brown. Picture posted to the right.
  • Lisa was MIA, touring colleges with her son. She is still working on her sweater, hopefully picture will be taken next week.
  • I(Robin) have 95% of my daughter's sweater done(as shown to the right), just need to weave the ends in and sew on the four buttons. I will post the finished project on my daughter for next week. I started the Einstein sweater for my daughter, already having to reduce the needles size to get within gauge.

Topics Talked About

  • A week does not go by without talking about the New York Yankees. A-Rod or as Margi calls him Dora (A-Rod spelled backwards, pretty clever). Then Robertson getting the WWF belt by Jeter....love him! Me of course complaining that I have a week of NO baseball....minus the Rockies game of course. Umpiring touched upon on how bad it has been.....the Melky call was no exception, it was fair and called foul. Oh well...it all evens out.
  • Margi gave a nice review of the Magic Loop technique she learned at YDU via Sheila. I have taken a few classes on it to make mittens and socks and it is much better than using double points. Of course I have forgotten the basics since it has been over a year. Margi enjoyed the new technique and gave some great tips on a few things she learned. Using a post-it note to follow along the pattern was one and the other on how to wind a ball of yarn to make a pull string center, very cool.
  • JoAnn brought up a site she learned of call Ravelry. When I had started my other blog over a year ago, I had stumbled upon this sit and you had to put on a waiting list to get in and use it. Got in and never used it to it's full potential. Now I feel I have to go back ad take a look at it again. It is a knit and crochet community with a lot to offer.
  • Stitches East was brought up again being held in Hartford, CT October 23-25. Most of us had an interest but had something else going on during that weekend. JoAnn may go, and leave her wallet at home!
  • Did I miss anything? Field trip to a yarn warehouse?
  • Meeting done at 7:35pm.


margiknit said...

Thanks To JoAnn for the Ravelry hint and to Robin's computer genius it was easy to link to..even for me. Found a hot water bottle cover pattern and will try that next...
PS credit for the Dora thing goes to Lisa's GF Patty another Red Sox fan..

happyathome said...

I have two books to bring next week. One Skein and Knitted gifts. I also have a Xmas stocking book if interested, I know I will not be touching that before Christmas.